Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and/or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used [United Nations, 1966, 1976]. The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression". Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law [United Nations, 1966, 1967]. Freedom of speech, or the freedom of expression, is recognized in international and regional human rights law. The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights [Andrew Puddephatt & Hodder Arnold, 2005; Kumar, Ambika, 2006].

In Islamic ethics freedom of speech was first declared in the Rashidun period by the caliph Umar in the 7th century. In the Abbasid Caliphate period, freedom of speech was also declared by al-Hashimi (a cousin of Caliph al-Ma'mun) in a letter to one of the religious opponents he was attempting to convert through reason.

According to George Makdisi and Hugh Goddard, "the idea of academic freedom" in universities was "modelled on Islamic custom" as practiced in the medieval Madrasah system from the 9th century. Islamic influence was "certainly discernible in the foundation of the first deliberately-planned university" in Europe [Boisard, Marcel A., 1980].

* Selected REFERENCES / Sources:

Amnesty International: Annual Reports: URL Andrew Puddephatt & Hodder Arnold. (2005). Freedom of Expression: The Essentials of Human Rights. United Publishers. Boisard, Marcel A. (July 1980), "On the Probable Influence of Islam on Western Public and International Law", International Journal of Middle East Studies 11 (4): 429–50. Goddard, Hugh. (2000). A History of Christian-Muslim Relations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Kumar, Ambika. (2006). ‘Using Courts to Enforce the Free Speech Provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.’ Published by Chicago Journal of International Law. Summer 2006. URL United Nations: ‘International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.’ Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16th December 1966: Entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49. URL (United Nations) Wikipedia. (2010). ‘Freedom of Speech.’ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. URL


28 March 2013

BLOG menghina Islam !

(28 March 2013)
Kerajaan kekang blog hina Islam

DHAKA 28 Mac - Kerajaan Bangladesh memperhebatkan usaha mengekang blog-blog yang dipercayai menghina Islam, selepas sekumpulan aktivis Islam mengugut untuk mengadakan bantahan secara besar-besaran bagi menuntut penulis blog berfahaman ateis dihukum.
Penolong Pengarah Penguat Kuasa Telekomunikasi, Rahman Khan, semalam berkata, pihaknya telah mengarahkan dua laman web terkenal di Internet supaya membuang beratus-ratus komen menghina Islam yang ditulis oleh tujuh penulis blog.
"Penulisan mereka itu menghina Islam dan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dua laman web tersebut, Somewhereinb dan akur dengan arahan pihak berkuasa dan memadamkan komen-komen kontroversi berkenaan.
"Pihak kami juga sedang memantau beberapa laman web lain dan memadam mana-mana blog yang menghina Islam bagi memastikan keharmonian negara ini terjamin," katanya. - AFP

ISLAM maju dan terus maju, Islam berdaya saing, kadang-kala mengatasi agama Kristian, dan agama lain, bagi umat Islam, itu adalah biasa, sebab Islam adalah agama syumul-sempurna (‘complete’),  tetapi bagi penganut agama Kristian, mereka tak dapat terima kemasukan Islam dan penguasaan (‘dominance’) agama Islam di Negara Barat mereka. Orang Islam di Britian, Kanada, Australia, Switzerland, Perancis, dan sebagainya, semakin maju dan menempa kejayaan dan kemajuan di dlm indutri pemakanan halal, SMEs, SMIs, dan yang paling penting akhlak terpuji. Orang Barat pula, adalah sebaliknya, itulah yang membuat mereka tak senang duduk, cemburu, dengki, jadi ada diantara mereka terus ke blog dan Internet, dan menghina Islam dan umat Islam. Kerajaan ada kuasa untuk bertindak berdasarkan peruntukan undang-undang yang ada, atau mengubal undang-undang siber baru.