Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and/or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used [United Nations, 1966, 1976]. The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression". Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law [United Nations, 1966, 1967]. Freedom of speech, or the freedom of expression, is recognized in international and regional human rights law. The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights [Andrew Puddephatt & Hodder Arnold, 2005; Kumar, Ambika, 2006].

In Islamic ethics freedom of speech was first declared in the Rashidun period by the caliph Umar in the 7th century. In the Abbasid Caliphate period, freedom of speech was also declared by al-Hashimi (a cousin of Caliph al-Ma'mun) in a letter to one of the religious opponents he was attempting to convert through reason.

According to George Makdisi and Hugh Goddard, "the idea of academic freedom" in universities was "modelled on Islamic custom" as practiced in the medieval Madrasah system from the 9th century. Islamic influence was "certainly discernible in the foundation of the first deliberately-planned university" in Europe [Boisard, Marcel A., 1980].

* Selected REFERENCES / Sources:

Amnesty International: Annual Reports: URL Andrew Puddephatt & Hodder Arnold. (2005). Freedom of Expression: The Essentials of Human Rights. United Publishers. Boisard, Marcel A. (July 1980), "On the Probable Influence of Islam on Western Public and International Law", International Journal of Middle East Studies 11 (4): 429–50. Goddard, Hugh. (2000). A History of Christian-Muslim Relations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Kumar, Ambika. (2006). ‘Using Courts to Enforce the Free Speech Provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.’ Published by Chicago Journal of International Law. Summer 2006. URL United Nations: ‘International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.’ Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16th December 1966: Entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49. URL (United Nations) Wikipedia. (2010). ‘Freedom of Speech.’ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. URL


26 January 2012

Liam Neeson and the Call to Prayer !


It is always like that... First the "Call to Prayer" will drive the non-Muslim (especially those that are critical of Islam, and the ones that want to wage war on Islam) into madness, making them cursing the loud Azan, and waking them from their sleep... BUT soon, their "stone heart" starts to fade away, turning them into little rats, afraid... then comes the "light" of Islam, shining into their hearts... this is when they want to know more about Islam, and convert to Islam.



Liam Neeson: I may become a Muslim
Catholic movie star is thinking about changing faith

Published: 25 Jan 2012

HOLLYWOOD star Liam Neeson is considering giving up his Catholic belief and becoming a Muslim. The actor, 59, admitted Islamic prayer "got into his spirit" while filming in Turkish city Istanbul.

He said: "The Call to Prayer happens five times a day and for the first week it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit and it's the most beautiful, beautiful thing.

"There are 4,000 mosques in the city. Some are just stunning and it really makes me think about becoming a Muslim."

Liam was raised in Northern Ireland as a devout Catholic and altar boy and was named after the local priest.

But the star — whose wife Natasha Richardson died aged 45 in a skiing accident in 2009 — has spoken about challenges to his faith.

He said: "I was reared a Catholic but I think every day we ask ourselves, not consciously, what are we doing on this planet? What's it all about?

"I'm constantly reading books on God or the absence of God and atheism."

Liam was criticised in 2010 after claiming Narnia lion Aslan — voiced by him in the movies — is not based on Christ as CS Lewis had claimed but in fact all spiritual leaders including Mohammed.

His latest film The Grey, about an oil drilling team who crash in freezing Alaska, is released in the UK on Friday.


Liam Neeson Considers Giving Up Catholic Faith, Turning To Islam

Irish actor Liam Neeson has revealed he is considering giving up on his Catholic faith and converting to Islam.

The Hollywood star, 59, was recently filming in Turkish city Istanbul and became fascinated with the Muslim faith during his stay.

Speaking to The Sun, he said: "The Call to Prayer happens five times a day and for the first week it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit and it's the most beautiful, beautiful thing.

"There are 4,000 mosques in the city. Some are just stunning and it really makes me think about becoming a Muslim."

So he won't be copying Madonna and taking an interest in Kabbalah or following in Tom Cruise's footsteps and become a Scientologist?

The actor was raised in Northern Ireland as a Catholic alter boy and was named after his local priest.

On his Catholic beliefs, he said: "I was reared a Catholic but I think every day we ask ourselves, not consciously, what are we doing on this planet? What's it all about?

"I'm constantly reading books on God or the absence of God and atheism."


17 January 2012

Britain Selar Penempatan Israel di Palestin

Komen: Masalahnya, adakah Israel inginkan 'kedaimaian'? Atau 'berlakon' inginkan kedamaian sahaja di mata dunia, dan menyalahkan Palestin sebagai pengacau atau pengganas (terrorists).

Siapa yang menceroboh penempatan Palestin? Siapa yang buat penempatan haram? Siapa yang robohkan rumah penduduk Palestin kerana hasad dengki, dan dendam tak habis? Siapakah pengganas sebenarnya??? ISRAEL.

DUNIA sudah tahu kelakuan sumbang ISRAEL itu... !!


Britain Selar Penempatan Israel di Palestin

17/01/2012 4:08am

LONDON 17 Jan. – Timbalan Perdana Menteri Britain, Nick Clegg semalam menyelar pembinaan penempatan di Israel dengan menyifatkannya sebagai 'vandalisme yang disengajakan' ketika Presiden Palestin, Mahmoud Abbas memulakan lawatan Eropahnya.

Berucap selepas perbincangan bersama Abbas di London, Clegg menjelaskan pembinaan perumahan haram secara berterusan di Tebing Barat dan timur Baitulmaqdis menyebabkan 'kerosakan' kepada usaha rundingan damai kedua-dua negara tersebut.

“Ia boleh disifatkan sebagai 'kerosakan yang disengajakan' dan sekali gus menggangu rundingan damai yang telah diusahakan sejak beberapa tahun lalu,” katanya. – AFP.


Komen: Apa 'beberapa tahun lalu'... sudah masuk 'beberapa dekad' dah !! Israel masih lagi sombong, bongkar, dan tak sedarkan diri. Israel bukannya inginkan kedamaian. Apa yang orang Nazi Germany buat keatas orang Yahudi Israel semasa perang dunia kedua dulu, orang Yahudi Israel kini buat keatas orang Palestin, dan lebih dahsyat lagi !! Tengok lah gambar-gambar, dan berita dunia di kaca TV anda!!

11 January 2012

Rasuah: Bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Muar dipenjara, denda RM180,000

(11 JAN 2012)

Rasuah: Bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Muar dipenjara, denda RM180,000

JOHOR BAHRU 10 Jan. – Bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Muar, Deputi Supritendan Mansor Mohamad, 55, dihukum penjara empat tahun dan denda berjumlah RM180,000 oleh Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini selepas didapati bersalah atas enam tuduhan rasuah, lapan tahun lalu.

Hakim Mohamad Haidar Abdul Aziz menjatuhkan hukuman penjara empat tahun dan denda RM30,000 bagi setiap pertuduhan terhadap Mansor Mohamad, 55.

Mansor turut berdepan hukuman penjara setahun sekiranya gagal menjelaskan denda berjumlah RM180,000 berkenaan. Kesemua hukuman tersebut diperintahkan berjalan serentak mulai hari ini.

Mohamad Haidar bagaimanapun membenarkan permohonan Mansor yang merupakan bapa kepada lima anak itu untuk menangguhkan pelaksanaan hukuman tersebut sementara menunggu rayuan.

Mengikut pertuduhan pertama, Mansor didakwa meminta suapan wang RM6,000 daripada Toh Ah Ban sebagai dorongan untuk tidak mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadapnya yang menjalankan aktiviti perniagaan nombor ekor haram di Hotel Pelangi, Muar kira-kira pukul 2 petang, 21 April 2003.

Bagi tuduhan kedua, Mansor didakwa menerima rasuah berjumlah RM6,000 daripada Ah Ban bagi tujuan yang sama di bilik nombor 132, Hotel River View, Muar pukul 10.15 malam pada 9 Mei 2003.

Mansor turut didakwa meminta rasuah wang RM6,000 daripada Lee Cheng Seng juga sebagai dorongan untuk tidak mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap pengadu yang menjalankan aktiviti perniagaan nombor ekor haram di Stesen Minyak Petronas, Jalan Temenggung Ahmad, Muar kira-kira pukul 2 petang, 28 April 2003.

Berdasarkan pertuduhan keempat, dia didakwa menerima suapan RM6,000 daripada Cheng Seng di bilik nombor 132, Hotel River View, Muar pukul 10.15 malam pada 9 Mei 2003.

Bagi tuduhan kelima, Mansor didakwa meminta rasuah wang RM6,000 daripada Wong Choon Seng bagi tujuan yang sama, kira-kira pukul 12 tengah hari di Plaza Tol Tangkak pada 28 April 2003.

Pada pertuduhan terakhir, dia didakwa bersetuju menerima suapan RM6,000 daripada Choon Seng bagi tujuan tersebut pada pukul 10.15 malam, 9 Mei 2003 di bilik nombor 132, Hotel River View, Muar.

Bagi kesemua tuduhan meminta suapan, Mansor didakwa mengikut Seksyen 10(a)(bb) Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997, manakala bagi tuduhan menerima, dia didakwa di bawah Seksyen 11(a) akta sama dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 16 akta tersebut.
