Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and/or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used [United Nations, 1966, 1976]. The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression". Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law [United Nations, 1966, 1967]. Freedom of speech, or the freedom of expression, is recognized in international and regional human rights law. The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights [Andrew Puddephatt & Hodder Arnold, 2005; Kumar, Ambika, 2006].

In Islamic ethics freedom of speech was first declared in the Rashidun period by the caliph Umar in the 7th century. In the Abbasid Caliphate period, freedom of speech was also declared by al-Hashimi (a cousin of Caliph al-Ma'mun) in a letter to one of the religious opponents he was attempting to convert through reason.

According to George Makdisi and Hugh Goddard, "the idea of academic freedom" in universities was "modelled on Islamic custom" as practiced in the medieval Madrasah system from the 9th century. Islamic influence was "certainly discernible in the foundation of the first deliberately-planned university" in Europe [Boisard, Marcel A., 1980].

* Selected REFERENCES / Sources:

Amnesty International: Annual Reports: URL Andrew Puddephatt & Hodder Arnold. (2005). Freedom of Expression: The Essentials of Human Rights. United Publishers. Boisard, Marcel A. (July 1980), "On the Probable Influence of Islam on Western Public and International Law", International Journal of Middle East Studies 11 (4): 429–50. Goddard, Hugh. (2000). A History of Christian-Muslim Relations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Kumar, Ambika. (2006). ‘Using Courts to Enforce the Free Speech Provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.’ Published by Chicago Journal of International Law. Summer 2006. URL United Nations: ‘International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.’ Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16th December 1966: Entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49. URL (United Nations) Wikipedia. (2010). ‘Freedom of Speech.’ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. URL


31 December 2011

CEO mengaku tidak bersalah

(31 Dec 2011)

CEO mengaku tidak bersalah


Shamsubahrin Ismail dituduh menipu dengan memperdayakan Mohamad Salleh Ismail di Mahkamah Sesyen, Kuala Lumpur, semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR 30 Dis. – Ahli perniagaan, Datuk Shamsubahrin Ismail mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini atas dua tuduhan menipu pengarah syarikat National Feedlot Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (NFC), Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Salleh Ismail membabitkan pemberian cek bernilai RM1.755 juta, bulan lalu.

Shamsubahrin, 45, yang merupakan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) syarikat Shamsubahrin Ismail Resources Sdn. Bhd. memohon dibicarakan sebaik sahaja pertuduhan selesai dibacakan kepadanya di hadapan Hakim Ahmad Zamzani Mohd. Zain.

Tertuduh yang beralamat di Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam didakwa menipu Mohamad Salleh dengan menjanjikan kepada mangsa satu perkhidmatan rundingan dan nasihat yang pada pengetahuan tertuduh tidak benar.

Perbuatan itu bertujuan memperdaya suami kepada Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil itu sehingga mendorong mangsa bersetuju membayar wang perkhidmatan tersebut.

Tertuduh didakwa melakukan perbuatan itu di sebuah restoran di Bukit Tunku di sini pada pukul 6 petang, 20 November lalu.

Bagi tuduhan kedua, Shamsubahrin didakwa memperdaya Mohamad Salleh sehingga mendorong mangsa menyerahkan cek berjumlah RM1.755 juta kepada tertuduh. Perbuatan itu didakwa dilakukannya di kawasan Solaris Mont Kiara di sini antara 25 November dan 6 Disember lalu.

Kedua-dua pertuduhan tersebut dikemukakan mengikut Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum 20 tahun dan denda jika sabit kesalahan.

Ketua Bahagian Perundangan dan Pendakwaan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Datuk Abdul Razak Musa mencadangkan jaminan RM300,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan syarat tertuduh menyerahkan pasport antarabangsa kepada mahkamah.

Menurut beliau, jumlah jaminan tersebut adalah munasabah memandangkan pertuduhan terhadap tertuduh melibatkan penyerahan cek bernilai jutaan ringgit.

Bagaimanapun, peguam bela, J. Rao yang mewakili tertuduh memohon jumlah yang lebih rendah berikutan anak guamnya yang menanggung seorang isteri dan empat anak telah memberikan kerjasama kepada pihak SPRM sepanjang siasatan.

Ahmad Zamzani kemudian menetapkan jaminan RM300,000 dengan seorang penjamin serta memerintahkan tertuduh menyerahkan pasport antarabangsa kepada mahkamah sebagai syarat jaminan sehingga kes selesai.

Beliau turut menetapkan 21 Januari ini untuk sebutan semula kes itu.

Shamsubahrin gagal menjelaskan wang jaminan ekoran kaunter pembayaran telah ditutup menyebabkan tertuduh dihantar ke Penjara Sungai Buloh.


24 December 2011

SPRM Siasat Pejabat NFC !!

(24 DEC 2011)

SPRM siasat pejabat NFC dua jam

WAN Abdul Rahman Wan Mohd. Saleh (kanan) bersama pegawai-pegawainya membawa dokumen penting keluar dari pejabat NFC berhubung skandal di Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR 23 Dis. - Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) hari ini mengambil masa dua jam untuk menyiasat pejabat Perbadanan Fidlot Nasional (NFC) di Jalan Solaris, Bukit Kiara di sini bagi membantu siasatan dakwaan penyelewengan isu dana membabitkan syarikat itu dan pembelian kondominium mewah di ibu negara.

Lapan pegawai SPRM, diketuai Penguasa Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Mohd. Salleh dilihat memasuki pejabat NFC itu sejak pukul 3 petang dan keluar kira-kira pukul 5 petang bagi mencari bahan yang boleh membantu siasatan.

Sebaik sahaja keluar, mereka dilihat membawa bersama empat sampul surat mengandungi dokumen-dokumen berkaitan termasuk sebuah unit pemprosesan pusat (CPU).

Sementara itu, Pengarah Siasatan SPRM, Datuk Mustafar Ali berkata, pemeriksaan yang dilakukan petang ini mendapat kerjasama baik daripada semua kakitangan NFC.

"Tiada tangkapan dilakukan hari ini, hanya beberapa dokumen yang berkaitan disita bagi membantu siasatan berhubung isu NFC.

"Masih terlalu awal juga untuk SPRM memaklumkan status siasatan. Saya minta semua pihak beri ruang kepada SPRM untuk menyiasat secara terperinci berhubung isu ini," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia hari ini.

SPRM baru-baru ini memaklumkan, tindakan pengumpulan bukti dan keterangan telah bermula sejak isu berkenaan dilaporkan dalam Laporan Audit Negara 2010 yang menyatakan projek tersebut tidak mencapai sasaran yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak kerajaan.

SPRM telah menerima aduan daripada satu pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang mendakwa berlaku penyalahgunaan wang pinjaman yang diperolehi oleh NFC bagi membeli kondominium mewah berharga RM9.8 juta yang dibeli di Lembah Klang.

21 December 2011

SEX TAX in Germany ! (21 Dec 2011)

Sex Tax (Germany)

Prostitution is legal in Germany - but it is heavily taxed - Prostitutes have to pay income taxes and even have to charge VAT (GST), for their services, which is then paid to the tax office. While it's fairly easy to collect a "sex tax" from brothels, "sauna clubs," and other sex purveying establishments, it's trickier to make sure freelance streetwalkers pay up. But authorities in the German city of Bonn have found a way to fix this issue. The city now requires street prostitutes to pay a vending machine, similar to a parking metre, and collect a ticket before they go about their business.

Comment: Talking about a profession that has among the lowest moral outlook from the society, but what is the all low is that there are people, institutions and government, collecting taxes or money from these 'low moral sex workers' ... so who is 'morally lower' than these sex workers?!


17 December 2011

Lelaki Melayu Kahwin Lelaki Mat Saleh !

Pemuda Melayu 'kahwin' lelaki?


GAMBAR yang diambil daripada sebuah laman web, perkahwinan pasangan gay melibatkan seorang pemuda Melayu dan lelaki Inggeris bergambar bersama jemputan di suatu lokasi dipercayai di luar negara.

KUALA LUMPUR 16 Dis. - Seorang pemuda Melayu mencetuskan kontroversi apabila beberapa keping gambar perkahwinannya dengan seorang lelaki warga asing, tersebar di dalam sebuah laman web

Apa yang mengejutkan, pada majlis perkahwinan sejenis yang dipercayai berlangsung dalam sebuah gereja di luar negara, pemuda berusia lingkungan 20-an itu memakai baju Melayu berwarna hitam, lengkap bersamping serta tanjak berwarna emas.

Pasangannya yang dianggarkan berusia lewat 30-an pula mengenakan busana sut lengkap warna hitam yang biasanya dipakai ketika majlis perkahwinan masyarakat Barat.

Laman web yang dipercayai menyokong perkahwinan homoseksual itu telah memuatkan sebanyak 15 keping gambar sepanjang majlis 'perkahwinan' itu berlangsung.

Antara yang disiarkan adalah pasangan itu bergambar di dalam kumpulan dan sedang diraikan setelah selesai menjalani proses bergelar 'suami-isteri'.

Terdapat dua keping gambar lelaki warga asing itu sedang bersiap sedia melangsungkan perkahwinan sambil dibantu rakan-rakannya.

Turut menarik perhatian ialah gambar yang menunjukkan lelaki Melayu itu disarungkan cincin oleh pasangannya.

Menurut keterangan yang dipaparkan bersama kepingan gambar yang dipercayai dimuatkan pada 20 September itu, pasangan terbabit merupakan klien pertama bagi projek penggambaran majlis perkahwinan golongan homoseksual dikendalikan laman web berkenaan.



Gay and lesbian marriages, so much talk and lots of publicity by the mass media, making us believing that they are must be a 'very large number' of gays and lesbians out there, but the FACT is, the gays and lesbians are so small in number, that it is possible to even named and counted them (i.e. due to their very very small number, in comparison with the very large population of a country).

Why then are the gays and lesbians receive so much publicity then? That's because its all boil down to 'business as usual' in the mass media industry - making MONEY from the stories they published - and because the story is 'unusual', henceforth this 'unusualness' will create demand for such story, and hence, sell like hot cakes.

Coming to the conclusion, STILL, that does not meant that the number of gays and lesbians are large in number (to demand anything from the government, as to their special needs), so don't be deceived by such tactics, such as, the Gay and Lesbian Movements, and the so-called Human Rights Movement for Gays and Lesbians, etc.

WHAT right? When ALL religions, Christianity, Islam, and even Hinduism, Buddhism, prohibit such unusual (filthy) marriage!! It was even written clearly in the Bible and Quran that such a 'filthy marriage' will soon receive God's wrath, retribution and punishment, in this world and the Hereafter!

Note: I further believe that the 'increasing' occurrences or incidents of natural disasters, such as, floods, hurricanes, Tsunami, to droughts and landslides, to name a few, are all due to the acts of disobedience to God's commandments and prophetic's teachings.


07 December 2011

LAW in Saudi Arabia !!

[Blasphemy = 1. disrespect for religion: disrespect for God or sacred things 2. something showing disrespect for religion: something done or said that shows disrespect for God or sacred things (Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved)].


Updated December 7, 2011, 12:24 pm

The family of an Australian man sentenced to a year in jail and 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia says he will not survive the punishment.

Mansor Almaribe, a 45-year-old father of five from Shepparton in northern Victoria, was found guilty of blasphemy by a Saudi Arabian court yesterday.

Almaribe had travelled to the country for a pilgrimage to Mecca and was arrested nearly a month ago. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) says the judge initially handed down a sentence of two years in jail and 500 lashes, but then cut the jail time.

One of the man's sons, Mohammed, says his father has serious health problems. "Five hundred slashes on his back, and he has back problems. I wouldn't think he'd survive 50," he said.

She says Almaribe did not have legal representation because he could not afford it, and will not lodge an appeal in case his sentence is extended.


06 December 2011



Sudah berzina dengan anak kandung sendiri, tidak pula dikenakan hukuman penjara, atau disebat, atau direjam?! Kebebesan apa yang dipakai di Indonesia?! Undang-undang apa yang dipakai di Indonesia. Mana pergi ulama-ulama yang hebat, atau mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang menggegarkan media massa?! Waduhhhh, sungguh aku tak mengerti kedua-dua orang Indonesia ini?! Tunggulah TUHAN turunkan hukuman yang amat pedas nanti !!

Kalau bapak kahwin dengan anak gadisnya, bukankah itu dikira ROGOL?! Ibu kahwin anak jantan pula tak apa, dibolehkan?! Itu namanya DOUBLE STANDARD !!




Posted on the December 4th, 2011

INDONESIA - Tidak tahu hendak mula di mana tapi penulis sendiri ada rasa hendak muntah sepanjang menonton dan mendengar klip yang mana seorang ibu sanggup kahwin dengan anak lelakinya sendiri. Pengakuan (Confession) itu dirakamkan dalam program d’show di negara jiran (Indonesia).

Sudah la ibu dan anak itu tidak malu, di kalangan penonton ada yang bertudung dan bersorak-sorak seolah-olah apa yang mereka saksikan itu macam tidak ada apa-apa serta satu bentuk hiburan.

Benda gila itu boleh pula dibincangkan seperti satu benda ilmiah (dan hiburan). Si ibu siap ada sebut Alhamdulillah lagi (minit 2.01). Mereka juga berkata bersama ketika anak-anak lain sudah tidur. Yang paling tidak masuk akal bila perempuan si ibu itu berkata; “Yang penting saya nggak berzina sama orang, sama anak sendiri”.

Penulis melihat perempuan tua itu sebagai mengambil kesempatan pada anaknya sendiri. Anaknya berkata dia menolak hubungan itu tetapi dipaksa ibunya. Apa pun, jijiknya perangai kedua-dua manusia ni. Penulis harap benda seperti ini jangan sama sekali dijadikan ikutan. Tolonglah. Dan…patut direjam sahaja dua beranak gila ini .... !!



Jangan Ditiru Emak Kahwini ANAK



Updated December 7, 2011, 12:24 pm

COMMENT: WE welcome the Indonesian couple above to stay/live/visit Saudi Arabia, and continue their relationship there!! Talking about Islam in Indonesia?! They are all confused about religion, and their social life!

[Couple = Two people who are married, and are living together, OR have an intimate relationship (Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved)].


26 November 2011

Polis (ASP) dan Rasuah !

(26 Nov 2011)

ASP dipenjara, denda RM105,000

KUALA LUMPUR 25 Nov. - ''Ini pengadilan di dunia, saya membuat keputusan berdasarkan keterangan saksi dan bukti-bukti, jika keputusan saya ini betul terimalah ia sebagai kafarah (pelebur dosa) kepada kamu di akhirat nanti.''

Demikian kata-kata seorang hakim Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman penjara dua tahun dan denda RM105,000 ke atas seorang pegawai polis berpangkat Asisten Supritendan Polis (ASP) yang didapati bersalah atas dua tuduhan rasuah melibatkan RM21,000, tiga tahun lalu.

Hakim Rozilah Salleh memutuskan demikian terhadap Abd. Jalil Johari yang bertugas sebagai pegawai pentadbiran Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Temerloh pada waktu kejadian, selepas mendapati tertuduh gagal menimbulkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan.

Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa keterangan pembelaan tertuduh tiada merit dan tidak berasas.

Bagi tuduhan pertama, Abd. Jalil didakwa bersetuju menerima suapan RM6,000 daripada Rio Kamal sebagai dorongan untuk membantu menarik balik ketiga-tiga tuduhan melibatkan kesalahan dadah yang dihadapi oleh anak ahli perniagaan tersebut, Rio Elani.

Dia didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu kira-kira pukul 11.30 malam, 1 April 2008 di Tingkat 1, Gallery Lounge Hotel Dynasty, Jalan Ipoh, di sini.

Dia juga menghadapi tuduhan kedua iaitu cuba memperoleh wang suapan RM15,000 daripada Rio Kamal bagi tujuan sama pada pukul 9.30 malam, 21 Mac 2008 melalui perbualan telefon antara talian nombor 012-3770890 ke talian nombor 012-6832233.

19 November 2011



The Police who investigate the 'illegal money' from SPRM, now the 'illegal money' are gone from the police state office? So who are corrupted??

Maybe we should increase the salaries and other benefits to SPRM/Police so that they will not indulge in corruptions. But the thing is, I heard it was ALREADY increased a few times in a year, bonuses, etc. and review almost every year?!

On the other hand, the salaries of teachers and lecturers, and other public servants, have been somewhat IGNORED, on the basis that their salaries are already high? What high when the costs of living increases higher than their salaries?


(19 NOV 2011)

MACC money missing

Cops launch investigation into disappearance of RM11,700 belonging to detained officers
Friday, November 18th, 2011 11:28:00

TUN HISAN: 'We will check whether the standard operating procedure was followed. We view this as a serious matter as it involved the image and integrity of the force'

SHAH ALAM: Cash belonging to one of the three Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commision (MACC) officers charged with stealing from money-changers in Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on Sept 15 has gone missing.

Selangor police launched an investigation to find out how the RM11,700 and a wallet, which were kept at the State police contingent building, could have been taken.

State police chief Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said police only realised the money had gone missing from the investigative officers’ (IO) office at 2pm on Nov 8, 2011. An internal check was conducted before a report was lodged on Tuesday.

To date, 26 police personnel have been questioned.

“We found signs of forced entry on the door and the IO’ drawer was ransacked,” said Tun Hisan.

He said the missing cash was not part of an exhibit or the stolen money related to the court case.

“The money stolen by the suspects were in US dollar bills while the ones missing was in Malaysian ringgit. The cash was stuffed inside a wallet belonging to one of the two detained MACC officers.”

Tun Hisan refused to elaborate on whether the incident was an inside job.

“We will check whether the standard operating procedure was followed. We view this as a serious matter as it involved the image and integrity of the force."

When questioned why the report was lodged five days after the incident, Tun Hisan said the officer needed time to look for the cash before declaring it missing.


On Oct 7, three MACC officers were charged with nine counts of robbery and abetting two others with robbing three Singaporeans of US$300,000 (RM944,701).

MACC deputy superintendent S. Vijayarao, 33, and assistant superintendents Wan Elfie Shafizy Wan Ahmad, 30, and Assistant Superintendent Aziz Jaafar, 48, had pleaded not guilty to the charges at the Sepang Sessions Court.

The trio were charged with assisting two other men still at large – T. Sritharan, 32, and D. Nagarajan, 34 — to rob Singaporeans Hameed Saadik Batcha, Abd Rahman Maricar and Mohamad Zakkaria Mohamed Shatik, who were all money-changers.

The case is fixed for mention on Dec 6, 2011.

(19 NOV 2011)

Bukit Aman siasat kes WANG Hilang

SHAH ALAM 18 Nov. - Siasatan kes kehilangan dompet dan wang tunai berjumlah RM11,700 daripada simpanan pegawai penyiasat kes samun melibatkan tiga pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) kini diambil alih oleh Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman.

Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman, Datuk Seri Mohd. Bakri Mohd. Zinin berkata, pihaknya mengambil alih siasatan kes tersebut memandangkan ia satu kejadian yang amat serius dan berlaku di dalam kawasan ibu pejabat polis.

"Berikutan kes ini dianggap penting, kita (Bukit Aman) perlu ambil tindakan dan menangani kes ini dengan serius," kata beliau ketika dihubungi di sini, hari ini.

Mohd. Bakri mengulas perkembangan siasatan kes kes kehilangan dompet dan wang tunai berjumlah RM11,700 daripada simpanan pegawai penyiasat kes samun melibatkan tiga pegawai SPRM di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), September lalu.

Kehilangan dompet dan wang tunai itu disedari pegawai penyiasat berkenaan pada 8 November lalu selepas dia mendapati terdapat kesan umpil pada pintu bilik dan laci meja pejabatnya di bangunan lama Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Selangor, di sini.

Berikutan kejadian itu, seramai 26 pegawai polis telah dipanggil untuk disoal siasat bagi membantu siasatan sehingga semalam.

14 November 2011

Kongsi Gelap dan SPM


Tumpukan perhatian kpd pelajaran dan kerjaya, kenapalah syok sangat hendak join kumpulan kongsi gelap itu, hendak tunjuk kuasa ke? Selepas buat jahat, takut pula apabila polis datang dan ketuk pintu rumah.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (14 Nov 2011)

Kongsi Gelap: 39 Calon SPM antara 180 ditahan

IPOH 13 Nov. - Seramai 39 pelajar yang berusia 17 tahun dan bakal menduduki peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) esok adalah antara 180 individu yang ditahan kerana cuba menyertai satu kumpulan kongsi gelap.

Kesemua 180 yang ditahan, termasuk penjawat awam dan tujuh wanita diberkas dalam serbuan polis di sebuah rumah rehat di Teluk Batik, Lumut, kira-kira 110 kilometer dari sini, malam tadi.

Dalam serbuan yang diadakan pukul 9 malam itu, polis menerima maklumat daripada orang awam bahawa wujudnya cubaan untuk merekrut ahli kumpulan kongsi gelap di rumah rehat itu.
Ketua Polis Perak, Datuk Mohd. Shukri Dahlan memberitahu, serbuan dibuat oleh sepasukan anggota dan pegawai Bahagian Kongsi Gelap, Judi dan Maksiat (D7), Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Perak.

"Kesemua mereka yang ditahan berusia antara 17 hingga 30 tahun termasuk tiga kakitangan awam. "Siasatan awal mendapati, satu upacara angkat sumpah dipercayai ada kaitan dengan kumpulan kongsi gelap berlaku di rumah rehat itu," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, hari ini.

Mohd. Shukri berkata, mereka yang ditahan itu dibawa ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Manjung untuk siasatan lanjut.

Drugs Worth RM20 Million in Transit via Malaysia


1- The laws on drugs in Malaysia are among the toughest in Asia and the world, yet drug traffickers seems to defy the odd, and continue using Malaysia as the gateway to Asia and the world.

2- Maybe its time the authority put in place better scanning machine and D-9 unit, to overcome the problem. [See D-9 Unit, Malaysia at:

(14 Nov 2011)

Sindiket tumpas, dadah RM20j dirampas


Noor Rashid Ibrahim menunjukkan cecair ekstasi yang dirampas daripada sindiket dadah antarabangsa yang didalangi warga Belanda di Alor Setar, semalam. - UTUSAN/AHMAD SYAHIR KASSIM.

ALOR SETAR 13 Nov. - Hampir setiap hari ada sahaja rampasan dan tangkapan dadah dibuat pihak berkuasa. Malah, Malaysia kini boleh diumpamakan sebagai hab pengedaran dadah kerana sebahagian besar sindiket yang ditumpaskan itu banyak melibatkan warga asing.

Persoalannya, bagaimana dadah itu begitu mudah diseludup masuk ke Malaysia sedangkan kawalan ketat sudah dilakukan pihak berkuasa. Kenapa semakin ramai rakyat asing memilih negara ini untuk dijadikan pusat pengedaran dan makmal memproses dadah, khususnya jenis sintetik.

Terbaru, Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) berjaya menumpaskan satu sindiket dadah antarabangsa dan merampas sejumlah syabu dan ekstasi bernilai lebih RM20 juta dipercayai didalangi warga Belanda, kelmarin.

Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Narkotik (JSJN), Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman, Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim berkata, kejayaan itu dilakarkan hasil dua serbuan pihaknya dengan kerjasama anggota Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Kedah menyerbu sebuah kilang di Kawasan Perindustrian Mergong di sini dan sebuah rumah di Georgetown, Pulau Pinang kira-kira pukul 5 pagi.

"Dalam serbuan itu, polis menahan 11 orang termasuk enam warga asing manakala selebihnya rakyat tempatan yang berusia antara 24 hingga 60 tahun.

"Lima warga asing termasuk rakyat Belanda itu ditahan di sebuah kilang di Mergong yang dijadikan makmal memproses ekstasi," katanya pada sidang akhbar di IPK Kedah di sini, hari ini.

Menurutnya, empat lagi yang ditahan di makmal itu ialah dua warga Singapura manakala masing-masing seorang warga Perancis dan Britain.

"Seorang lagi warga Britain serta empat rakyat tempatan diberkas di sekitar Alor Setar manakala seorang lagi rakyat tempatan ditangkap di Pulau Pinang.

"Sindiket itu dipercayai beroperasi sejak beberapa bulan lalu dengan menghasilkan dadah jenis ekstasi untuk pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa," ujarnya.

Noor Rashid memberitahu, kejayaan ini adalah yang terbesar daripada segi nilai dan penglibatan individu selain dapat mengagalkan usaha sindiket tersebut mendirikan makmal ekstasi yang kedua di negara ini selepas yang pertama di Pulau Pinang pada 2009.

Mereka yang ditahan tidak memiliki rekod jenayah, namun siasatan lanjut masih dijalankan mengikut Seksyen 39(B) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 yang memperuntukan hukuman mati mandatori, katanya.

Tambah beliau lagi, dalam serbuan di Mergong, pihaknya merampas 240 liter cecair ekstasi, bahan 'precursor safrole', 'acetone' dan pelbagai cecair kimia serta peralatan memproses dadah.

"Dalam serbuan di sebuah rumah yang dijadikan mini makmal di Pulau Pinang, polis merampas 34 kilogram syabu serta menahan seorang lelaki.

"Empat buah kereta turut disita iaitu dua buah Mercedes-Benz dan sebuah Toyota Vios serta pikap Tata selain pelbagai mata wang asing termasuk Euro, Yuan, Baht, Dollar Amerika Syarikat dan Singapura serta mata wang tempatan bernilai lebih RM39,000," katanya.

30 October 2011

AZIZ BARI, The Federal Constitution and the Sultan!


The Malaysian public is still negotiating with the university authorities and government, about what is 'Freedom of Speech', and 'Peaceful Assembling' (Freedom of Gathering), which are guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of Malaysia (when Malaysia was first formed on Merdeka Day on 31 August 1957), after 54 years (2011 - 1957 = 54) of independence!

Article 10: Freedom of speech, assembly and association
(a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression;
(b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms;
(c) all citizens have the right to form associations.

---------------------------------------------------------------- (29 OKT 2011)

Ugutan bunuh: Sidang media Aziz Bari esok
KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Okt: Pensyarah undang-undang Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA), Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari akan mengadakan sidang media petang ekoran menerima ugutan bunuh, pagi tadi.

Nota ugutan bunuh yang disertai peluru kosong dihantar ke rumahnya di Bandar Baru Selayang kira-kira jam 11.45 pagi tadi.

“Saya menerima sampil surat dengan sebutir peluru, dengan nota berkata ‘jangan kurang ajar dengan Sultan, maut nanti’,” kata Aziz kepada portal berita, The Malaysian Insider.

Aziz berkata beliau akan berhubung dengan peguamnya untuk tindakan susulan termasuk membuat laporan polis.

“Saya ada majlis di Ipoh, saya akan membuat laporan polis nanti... anda boleh menghubungi peguam saya untuk maklumat lanjut,” kata beliau yang disiasat oleh pengurusan UIA, polis dan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) berhubung kenyataannya tentangt titah Sultan Selangor awal bulan ini.

(21 Oct 2011)

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Okt: Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah berkata, berasa terganggu dan sedih dengan tindakan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) yang menggantung pensyarah Fakulti Undang-Undangnya, Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari.

Mengulas melalui laman Twitternya, Saifudin berkata beliau telah mengarahkan UIA memberi laporan bertulis kepada beliau. "Saya terganggu dan sedih. Saya sudah meminta UIA memberikan laporan bertulis," katanya.

Sementara itu, sekumpulan mahasiswa yang tidak berpuas hati dengan tindakan UIA terhadap Aziz Bari akan mengadakan demonstrasi esok.

Pengerusi Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), Syukri Abdul Razab yang dipetik FMT berkata, demonstrasi itu akan diadakan dihadapan pintu masuk utama UIA pada pukul 9 pagi esok, selain bercadang menghantar memorandum kepada Rektor UIA, Prof Datuk Dr Zaleha Kamarudin menggesa agar penggantungan itu ditarik semula.

Menyifatkan tindakan itu sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab kerana membelakangkan prinsip ‘kebebasan akademik’, UIA sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi seharusnya mempertahankan Aziz Bari atas dasar kebebasan berpendapat.

“Sebaliknya mereka tunduk kepada tekanan dan terus menghukumnya. Keadaan ini bukan sahaja memberi kesan kepada Aziz Bari sahaja tetapi semua pengamal akademik,” katanya.

Selain SMM, demonstrasi itu akan turut disertai kumpulan mahasiswa lain termasuk Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM), Gabungan Mahasiwa Islam Se-Malaysia (GAMIS), Pro-Mahasiswa (Pro-M), Gerakan Demokratik Belia dan Pelajar Malaysia (DEMA), serta Persatuan Mahasiswa Universiti Malaya.

--------------------------------------------------------------- (20 Oct 2011)

Hentikan penindasan terhadap Aziz Bari
PETALING JAYA, 20 Okt: Tindakan keras kerajaan Umno Barisan Nasional dan pihak berkuasa Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) terhadap pakar undang-undang, Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari membuktikan bahawa ruang kebebasan akademik di Malaysia semakin sempit dan kian tertutup.

Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Kebangsaan, Tony Pua berkata kerajaan dan UIA perlu menghentikan tekanan dan intimidasi terhadap para ilmuan Malaysia yang berbeza pendapat dengan pihak pemerintah, lapor Roketkini.

Katanya, walau pun DAP tidak semestinya bersetuju dengan pendapat Dr Aziz pada setiap masa, ia adalah hak setiap rakyat di Malaysia untuk mengemukakan pandangan tentang apa-apa perkara berkaitan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan, apatah lagi dari sudut pemikiran pakar-pakar dalam bidang berkenaan.

“Amat membimbangkan apabila Prof Dr Aziz Bari dikenakan tekanan yang teruk daripada Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC), Polis Diraja Malaysia dan UIA.

“Semua tindakan keras itu hanya berpunca daripada Dr Aziz memberikan pendapat dalam bidang yang menjadi kepakarannya iaitu Perlembagaan Malaysia dan undang-undang yang berkaitannya dengannya,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Laman web berita Malaysiakini pada tengah hari tadi melaporkan bahawa Dr Aziz bukan sahaja diberi surat tunjuk sebab oleh UIA tetapi juga telah digantung tugasnya sebagai pensyarah undang-undang di universiti itu.

Dr Aziz adalah pakar Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang telah menulis banyak buku termasuk Perlembagaan Malaysia: Asas dan Masalah, Majlis Raja-Raja: Kedudukan dan Peranan dalam Perlembagaan, Islam dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia, Politik Perlembagaan, Constitution of Malaysia: Text and Commentary, Malaysian Constitution: A Critical Introduction, dan Cabinet Principles in Malaysia: The Law and Practice.

Pua yang juga Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara berkta, tindakan kerajaan UMNO-BN dan pihak UIA juga membuktikan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) yang sememangnya zalim telah sekali lagi digunakan untuk menutup mulut dan kebebasan ahli akademik serta pelajar untuk menyuarakan pandangan.

Beliau menjelaskan bahawa laporan terbaru Times Higher Education (THE) 400 Top World University Ranking 2011/12 yang mencatatkan tidak ada satu pun universiti dari Malaysia yang berjaya menduduki tangga 400 universiti terbaik dunia, sebagai bukti keruncingan masalah institut pengajian tinggi di negara ini.

Katanya, ia adalah sesuatu yang memalukan kerana 60 universiti dari negara-negara Asia telah berjaya menduduki ranking THE, iaitu 16 dari Jepun, 10 dari China, lapan dari Taiwan, tujuh dari Korea Selatan, enam dari Hong Kong, dua dari Singapura, dan masing-masing satu dari India dan Thailand.

Mutu rendah universitu kita adalah hasil yang jelas bahawa pakar-pakar akademik Malaysia sudah meluat dengan cara universiti kita ditadbirkan, dan biasanya mereka lebih suka berhijrah ke luar negara dan diterima oleh university-universiti berwibawa di sana.

“Kesannya, pelajar-pelajar universiti Malaysia mengalami masalah berganda, iaitu bukan sahaja terpaksa menerima tenaga pengajar yang lemah sebagai pensyarah dan tutor tetapi mereka juga dilarang daripada mengamalkan pemikiran kritis dan beranalisis kerana dikekang oleh AUKU,” ujarnya. –


Paying the price of 1988: Old constitutional chickens now come home to roost
[Clive Kessler, October 21, 2011]

OCT 21 — The International Islamic University has decided to suspend Prof Aziz Bari for seeking to make a point, as an expert scholar, on a point of constitutional law.

At stake in that instance was Aziz Bari’s view of the nature and exercise of a state Ruler’s royal powers in matters involving Islam.

Not long before these latest developments, on October 19, The Malaysian Insider republished from Utusan Malaysia a column authored by a different scholar in the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University.

Entitled “Hormati Perlembagaan Negara”, that comment was written by Prof Saodah Abd Rahman, an associate professor in that university’s department of Usuluddin and Comparative Religion.

Secular Constitution, Islamic State?

Not uniquely but as part of a now accelerating trend, that article called upon all Malaysians to acknowledge and respect the constitutionally entrenched standing of Malaysia as an Islamic state or Negara Islam.

Of course, as all serious students of the Federal Constitution know, Malaysia is no such thing, and never was.

On the contrary, the “Merdeka negotiations” were based upon precisely the opposite view.

The major political parties whose co-operation and mutual consent made national independence possible in 1957 on the basis that it was then achieved and established, were agreed upon, considered themselves bound by, and by common agreement intended to implement precisely that opposite view.

Their joint position in the “Merdeka negotiations” was namely that in substance — though the matter would not be spelled out fully and explicitly — the new independent Federation of Malaya was to be a secular state, though one whose international personality would be symbolised by the designation of Islam as the formal and official, or “emblematic”, religion of the new nation.

By means of this largely emblematic display of Islam as an identifier of the new state’s public personality, this constitutional approach would maintain some important historical continuity with the cultural heritage of the independent nation’s regional setting and with the role of the traditional rulers of the Malay states.

In this way the deep importance of Islam to all levels of peninsular Malay society, as a matter of faith and cultural identity as well as political heritage, was acknowledged and formally recognised.

But this recognition, the agreements then reached were intended to guarantee, was to be underwritten and inscribed in such a way that the new constitutional arrangements would not, and should never, impose any impediment to the political form and structure of the new nation ultimately becoming anything other than that of a state, equally, of all of its citizens, whatever their cultural or religious background.

Constitutional Revisionism, Doctrinal Expansion

Yet now we have politicians, and populist Malay rights activists and vigilante groups, and even legal academics seeking to suggest, and even insist upon, exactly the opposite view of the nation’s character and founding constitutional charter.

They maintain, and adamantly insist, that the country is, and by its founding definition was constitutionally intended immediately to be — or else launched on an irresistible trajectory towards becoming — an Islamic state, a Negara Islam.

How, one is driven to ask, has such a situation become possible? How have such developments been allowed and how have they managed to proceed unhampered by any effective constitutional consideration and restraint?

The sad truth is all too evident.

Assertions that Malaysia is, and was — and is by the original historical circumstances of its quest for independence destined to be — an Islamic state now carry the day.

They are routinely asserted, widely repeated, and go largely uncontested.

And as they do, that largely revisionist view increasingly becomes, or is ever more likely to become, the effective, operative political truth of the situation — regardless of the historical facts, and regardless of the historical background and substantive provisions of the Constitution itself.

Of course, those who promote these revisionist views are not simply mistaken or ill-informed.
Stupid they are not.

That kind of naivété is not characteristic of the constitutional revisionists and their public campaigning. Nor should it be displayed by those who wish to criticize these new developments and those who assiduously promote them.

The Situation Today

It is the absence of this kind of authoritative judicial exploration of fundamental constitutional issues — in the gap that was made possible in 1988 and has continued to grow with accelerating momentum in recent years — that has made various recent developments possible.

That is the background, and those are the ultimately “enabling conditions”, of both Aziz Bari’s current predicament and of the new, and now ubiquitous, politically driven, ethnopopulist constitutional revisionism alike.

* Clive S. Kessler is Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at The University of New South Wales, Sydney.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.


UM academics back Aziz Bari, want end to probe and suspension
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal October 20, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 20 — Academics from Malaysia’s oldest university threw their support today behind Professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, urging an end to the “gross violation” of academic freedom.

Police investigations as well as Universiti Islam Antarabangsa’s (UIA) suspension of Abdul Aziz should immediately be dropped, the Universiti Malaya Academic Staff Union (PKAUM) said in a strongly-worded statement today.

It also defended Abdul Aziz’s recent remarks critiquing the Selangor Sultan, saying that “a criticism of a Ruler is valid if it is intended to constructively show that the Ruler has erred.”

Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had decreed recently that the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) had found evidence of proselytisation by non-Muslims during a dinner held at the DUMC on August 3 but said it was insufficient for further legal action.

Following Abdul Aziz’s (picture) statement that the intervention was “unusual and inconsistent” and should have been done in line with Islamic teachings, it caused a furore in Parliament among Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs who urged action to be taken against the IIUM law lecturer.

Although a police report has been lodged against him, the outspoken academician has decided against apologising for his remarks, insisting he had not meant to challenge the Sultan.

“In the case of Professor Aziz, what he has done is merely to suggest that a Ruler has acted beyond his Constitutional bounds. This is a legitimate comment with no statement, direct or implied, made to incite hatred against the Ruler,” PKAUM president Azmi Sharom said today.

The law academic said the action taken by the police and UIA in probing Abdul Aziz and suspending him of his duties will only “instil fear” in the academic community and halt any development in the country’s intellectual capacity.

Azmi also said that the Sedition Act ought not to have been used in the first place and that it should be repealed “due to the vast potential of abuse against fundamental freedoms of expression that it carries.”

UIA has suspended Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari pending investigations into his remarks on the Selangor Sultan’s recent decree.

The suspension order was issued in the show-cause letter sent to the law professor yesterday. When contacted by The Malaysian Insider today, Aziz said he would leave the matter in the hands of his lawyer.

His lawyer Dr Dzulkarnain Lukman confirmed the suspension includes Aziz being barred from campus to meet with its staff or any person of position within the university.

“According to the show-cause letter, these criteria will be in place until the conclusion of the inquiry,” he said, adding that Aziz has been given until 4pm on October 25 to respond to the letter.

Dzulkarnain also confirmed that Aziz is facing action under Article 15(1) of the university’s disciplinary orders for his statement published on Malaysiakini, which is said to have tarnished UIA’s image.

“I was made to understand this is the third time that Professor Aziz Bari has been issued a show-cause letter,” said Dzulkarnain, adding he was unaware of the reasons or contents of the previous two letters.

It is believed, however, this is the first time the law professor has been barred from entering the university. Police opened investigations into Aziz’s statement under the Sedition Act yesterday, following a report lodged by Umno Senator Ezam Mohd Nor on October 1.

It is believed that at least five police reports have been lodged against the professor.

On Monday, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had also questioned Aziz.

22 October 2011

Muammar Gaddafi is DEAD !

[GADDAFI IS DEAD / Muammar Gaddafi Hiding in the Drain, Later Shot Dead !]
Yahoo!7 and Agencies
October 21, 2011, 4:02 pm

SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Disturbing images of a blood-stained and shaken Muammar Gaddafi being dragged around by angry fighters quickly circulated around the world after the Libyan dictator's dramatic death near his home town of Sirte.

The exact circumstances of his demise are still unclear with conflicting accounts of his death. But the footage of the last chaotic moments of Gaddafi's life offered some clues into what happened.

Gaddafi was still alive when he was captured near Sirte. In the video, filmed by a bystander in the crowd and later aired on television, Gaddafi is shown dazed and wounded being dragged off a vehicle's bonnet and pulled to the ground by his hair.

"Keep him alive, keep him alive!" someone shouts. Gaddafi then goes out of view and gunshots ring out.

"They captured him alive and while he was being taken away, they beat him and then they killed him," one senior source in the NTC told Reuters. "He might have been resisting."

In what appeared to contradict the events depicted in the video, Libya's ruling National Transitional Council said Gaddafi was killed when a gunfight broke out after his capture between his supporters and government fighters. He died from a bullet wound to the head, the prime minister said.

The NTC said no order had been given to kill him.

Gaddafi called the rebels who rose up against his 42 years of one-man rule "rats," but in the end it appeared that it was he who was captured cowering in a drainage pipe full of rubbish and filth.

"He called us rats, but look where we found him," said Ahmed Al Sahati, a 27-year-old government fighter, standing next to two stinking drainage pipes under a six-lane highway near Sirte. On the ground, government fighters described scenes of carnage as they told stories of Gaddafi's final hours.

Shortly before dawn prayers, Gaddafi, surrounded by a few dozen loyal bodyguards and accompanied by the head of his now non-existent army Abu Bakr Younis Jabr, broke out of the two-month siege of Sirte and made a break for the west. They did not get far.

Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, covered in blood, is pulled from a truck by NTC fighters in Sirte.

France said its aircraft struck military vehicles belonging to Gaddafi forces near Sirte at about 8:30 a.m. (0630 GMT), but said it was unsure whether the strikes had killed Gaddafi.

A NATO official said the convoy was hit either by a French plane or a U.S. Predator drone.

Two miles (3 km) west of Sirte, 15 pick-up trucks mounted with machine guns lay burnt out, smashed and smouldering next to an electricity substation 20 metres from the main road.

They had clearly been hit by a force far beyond anything the motley army the former rebels has assembled during eight months of revolt to overthrow the once feared leader.

Inside the trucks still in their seats sat the charred skeletal remains of drivers and passengers killed instantly by the strike. Other bodies lay mutilated and contorted strewn across the grass. Some 50 bodies in all.

Mansour Daou, leader of Gaddafi's personal bodyguards, was with the former strongman shortly before his end. He told al Arabiya television that after the air strike the survivors had "split into groups and each group went its own way."

"I was with Gaddafi and Abu Bakr Younis Jabr and about four volunteer soldiers." Daou said he had not witnessed his leader's death because he had fallen unconscious after being wounded in the back by a shell explosion.

The future for Libya:

Muammar Gaddafi’s bloodied, half naked body with trademark long curls hanging limp around a rarely seen bald spot, was delivered, a prize of war, to Misrata, the city west of Sirte whose siege and months of suffering at the hands of Gaddafi's artillery and snipers made it a symbol of the rebel cause.

A quick and secret burial was due later on Friday.

"It's time to start a new Libya, a united Libya," Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril declared. "One people, one future."

A formal announcement of Libya's liberation, which will set the clock ticking on a timeline to elections, would be made on Saturday, Libyan officials said.

Two months after Western-backed rebels ended 42 years of eccentric one-man rule by capturing the capital Tripoli, his death ended a nervous hiatus for the new interim government.

U.S. President Barack Obama, in a veiled dig at the Syrian and other leaders resisting the democrats of the Arab Spring, declared "the rule of an iron fist inevitably comes to an end."

Gaddafi killed, rebels rejoice:

The demise of the hated dictator, Muammar Gaddafi, who ruled his oil-rich North African nation with an iron rod for close on 42 years, sparked a spontaneous outpouring of joy and celebratory gunfire in streets across Libya.

"We announce to the world that Gaddafi has died in the custody of the revolution," National Transitional Council (NTC) spokesman Abdel Hafez Ghoga said in the eastern city of Benghazi.

"It is an historic moment. It is the end of tyranny and dictatorship. Gaddafi has met his fate," he added.

In Tripoli, interim premier Mahmud Jibril said NTC leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil was to declare by Friday that the country has been liberated, paving the way for the formation of an interim government ahead of elections.

As Libyans danced for joy in the streets, world leaders welcomed Gaddafi's demise as the end of despotism, tyranny, dictatorship and ultimately war in Libya.

Colonel Kadhafi, whose whereabouts were unknown since NTC fighters overran the capital in August, was captured in a sewage pipe waving a golden gun near Sirte, Libyan fighters said.

"Gaddafi was in a jeep when rebels opened fire on it. He got out and tried to flee, taking shelter in a sewage pipe," an NTC field commander, Mohammed Leith, told AFP.

Gaddafi "looked left and right and asked what was happening. Rebels opened fire again, wounding his leg and shoulder. He died after that," according to Leith.

But according to Jibril, Gaddafi was shot in the head "in crossfire" between his supporters and new regime fighters after his capture.

"When he was found, he was in good health, carrying a gun," Jibril told a press conference in Tripoli. Kadhafi was transferred from the sewage pipe to a pickup truck, at which point he was shot in the right hand.

"When the vehicle started moving, it was caught in crossfire between Gaddafi fighters and the revolutionaries, and he was shot in the head," according to Jibril.

"He was alive up to last moment, until he arrived at hospital" in the town of Misrata.
French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet revealed that a French Mirage-2000 fired a warning shot at a column of up to 80 vehicles trying to flee Sirte early Thursday.

Libyan fighters then intervened, destroying the vehicles, from which "they took out Colonel Gaddafi," he added.

Longuet told reporters in Paris that the convoy "was stopped from progressing as it sought to flee Sirte but was not destroyed by the French intervention."

A videotape aired on Arab satellite channels showed a bloodied Gaddafi alive and walking as he was being manhandled by Libya's new regime fighters after his capture.

NTC fighters circled the 69-year-old ousted strongman, who was bloodied in the head, face and shoulders, as he apparently tried to cry out.

Leith, the NTC commander, said one of Gaddafi's sons, Mutassim, was also killed in Sirte. "We found him dead. We put his body and that of (ex-defence minister) Abu Bakr Yunis Jabar in an ambulance to take them to Misrata."

The NTC's Jibril said that Gaddafi's most prominent son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, was believed to be pinned down in a village near Sirte.

Witnesses said they saw the bodies of both Gaddafi and Mutassim in Misrata late on Thursday. "I saw his body, he had a wound on his head," said one witness, Hakim al-Farjani.

"There was a lot of blood on his body. He had a bandage on his stomach," he said. "The body came in an ambulance. Then the crowd became bigger and bigger so they took the body away."

An AFP photographer also saw Mutassim's body after it had been transferred to Misrata.

News of Gaddafi's death came as new regime troops overran the last redoubt of his loyalists in Sirte, bringing to an end a two-month siege.

Fighters moving in from east and west overcame the last resistance in the city's Number Two residential neighbourhood where his diehard supporters had been holed up.

"Sirte has been liberated, and with the confirmation that Gaddafi is dead," Libya has been completely liberated, a top NTC military official, Khalifa Haftar, told AFP in Tripoli.

Fighters who had fought in the bloody eight-month conflict that toppled the despot at a cost of more than 25,000 lives, erupted in jubilation, firing volleys of gunfire into the sky and chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).

Pick-up trucks blaring out patriotic music criss-crossed the streets of Sirte as fighters flashed V for victory signs and chanted "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).

"We did it! We did it!" chanted the fighters overcome with emotion, exchanging well-wishes, hugs and handshakes against a backdrop of intense celebratory gunfire.

World leaders react:

World leaders began to weigh in on the death of the man who had ruled the oil-rich nation.

US President Barack Obama said Gaddafi's death ended a long, painful chapter for Libyans and warned "iron fist" regimes in the rest of the Arab world they would inevitably fall.

Speaking in the White House Rose Garden, Obama said Gaddafi's demise vindicated the collective military action of the West and said Libyans now had a chance to build a "democratic" and "tolerant nation."

British Prime Minister David Cameron said the death was an occasion to remember his victims, while hailing it as a chance for a "democratic future" for Libya.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy also hailed the end of Gaddafi and urged the country's new regime to pursue democratic reforms.

French and British forces spearheaded the air campaign against Gaddafi's military by the NATO military alliance, which has launched nearly 1,000 strike sorties since March 31.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the alliance will begin Friday winding up its six-month mission in Libya.

Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi he hoped the death of Gaddafi would "turn the page off tyranny."

Arabi urged Libyans to "overcome the wounds of the past and to look to the future with no grudges or sentiments of revenge, warding off all that could disrupt national unity and peace."

UN chief Ban Ki-moon said it ushered in a "historic transition" for Libya.

"The road ahead for Libya and its people will be difficult and full of challenges. Now is the time for all Libyans to come together," he said at the UN headquarters.

Medics said at least three NTC fighters were killed and 30 wounded in Thursday's fighting in Sirte, after 18 were killed and around 180 wounded over the previous two days.

Fifty pro-Gaddafi fighters were killed and 150 taken prisoner, including three women, said NTC commander Leith. There was no independent confirmation of the toll.

05 October 2011

Dadah dalam 'cappucino', 'coffeemix' dirampas !

Dadah dalam 'cappucino', 'coffeemix' dirampas

M. Govinden bersama pegawainya menunjukkan sebahagian dari peket 'Super Coffeemix' dan 'Good Day Cappucino' mengandungi syabu pada sidang akhbar di Kompleks Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia KLIA di Sepang, semalam.

SEPANG 4 Okt. - Pelbagai taktik terbaru digunakan oleh sindiket dadah antarabangsa untuk membawa masuk barang larangan tersebut ke negara ini namun ia berjaya dibanteras oleh Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM).

Terbaru, JKDM Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) berjaya menggagalkan cubaan menyeludup 1.9 kilogram dadah jenis syabu bernilai RM475,000 yang disorokkan dalam paket kecil 'cappucino' dan 'coffeemix'.

Sekali lagi, warga Iran dikenal pasti terlibat sebagai dalang membawa masuk bekalan dadah itu ke negara ini dan ia seperti sudah menjadi satu trend.

Pengarahnya, Datuk M. Govinden berkata, tangkapan itu berhasil selepas membuat pemantauan terhadap para penumpang yang tiba di negara ini melalui penerbangan Royal Jordanian dari Amman, Jordan.

Menurutnya, hasil pemeriksaan, JKDM menahan seorang pelancong wanita warga Iran kira-kira pukul 1 pagi Khamis lalu selepas curiga dengan barangan yang dibawa dalam dua buah beg berisi makanan ringan termasuk 'cappucino' dan 'coffeemix'.

"Imbasan awal mendapati tiada barangan yang mencurigakan ditemui dalam beg tersebut.

"Bagaimanapun selepas penumpang tersebut diarah membuka salah sebuah beg yang dimuatkan dengan makanan ringan seperti coklat, candy, cappucino, coffeemix, ia telah menimbulkan keraguan pegawai bertugas, lalu pelancong tersebut diarahkan untuk pemeriksaan rapi," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.

Ini merupakan kes kelima melibatkan warga Iran yang ditahan kerana cuba menyeludup masuk dadah ke negara ini sejak Ogos lalu.

Menurut Govinden, suspek berusia 24 tahun memasukkan 27 bungkusan kecil syabu dalam setiap paket cappucino daripada jenama Good Day Cappucino dan 36 peket lagi dalam satu pek Super Coffeemix.

"Kes ini diserahkan kepada Bahagian Penguatkuasaan JKDM KLIA untuk siasatan lanjut di bawah Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, yang mana jika disabitkan kesalahan boleh dikenakan hukuman mati mandatori.

"Suspek ketika ini ditahan reman selama tujuh hari bagi membantu siasatan," katanya.

Govinden memberitahu, bermula Januari sehingga 1 Oktober lalu, JKDM berjaya menggagalkan 21 kes dengan rampasan 80 kilogram dadah daripada pelbagai jenis bernilai hampir RM8 juta.

29 September 2011

Ramai rakyat Malaysia Menjadi Mangsa Penipuan Kad Kredit di Vietnam
(29 Sept 2011)

Mangsa kad kredit palsu dibebaskan

HO CHI MINH, Vietnam 28 Sept. - "Perkara pertama yang akan saya lakukan sebaik sahaja memijak bumi Malaysia adalah melakukan sujud syukur," kata Normazawati Wong Abdullah, rakyat Malaysia yang dibebaskan selepas dipenjarakan hampir tujuh tahun di Penjara Ham Tan K4 di Vietnam.

Menurut ibu tunggal berusia 49 tahun itu, dia akan mencari lima anaknya dan menyatukan mereka di bawah satu bumbung.

Normazawati dijangka tiba di Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah (LCCT) Sepang, pukul 10 pagi esok selepas semua proses berkaitan seperti penyediaan dokumen pembebasannya diuruskan Setiausaha Agung Kelab Putera 1Malaysia (KP1M), Abdul Khalid Chairul di sini, hari ini.

Turut sama menyertai program membawa pulang wanita itu ialah Exco Wanita UMNO, Datuk Norhayati Onn.

Kata Normazawati, keperitan ketika berada dalam tahanan dan menjadi banduan tidak akan dilupakan sepanjang hayat dan jika boleh dia tidak mahu lagi menjejakkan kaki ke Vietnam.

Menurutnya, tempoh enam tahun 11 bulan menanggung azab sebagai banduan di Penjara Ham Tan K4 selain ditahan 17 bulan sementara menunggu perbicaraan adalah satu tempoh yang terlalu lama sehingga dia langsung tidak mahu mengingati detik itu.

Kisah hidupnya sebagai tahanan di Vietnam bermula selepas dia menerima pelawaan seorang rakan sepejabat untuk menyertai 'lawatan' ke negara itu April 2004.

Katanya, menerusi 'lawatan' itu, dia bersama tiga lelaki warga tempatan disambut oleh dua lelaki sebaik tiba di Vietnam dan dibawa ke sebuah hotel.

"Keesokannya, saya diminta oleh salah seorang daripada mereka untuk membeli barang menggunakan kad kredit milik orang lain. Saya turut diberi pasport milik individu itu tetapi dilekatkan dengan gambar saya.

"Saya enggan berbuat demikian, tetapi mereka mengugut untuk mencederakan anak serta ahli keluarga di Malaysia jika tidak mengikut arahan," katanya.

Normazawati berkata, dia cuba melarikan diri malam itu juga, tetapi bilik hotelnya dikawal oleh beberapa lelaki menyebabkannya mengambil keputusan untuk mengikut arahan individu terbabit.

Katanya, dia kemudian dibawa ke sebuah kompleks membeli-belah dan diminta membeli pelbagai barang, antaranya kamera video, kamera dan jam tangan yang tidak diketahui jumlahnya menggunakan kad kredit itu sambil diekori oleh seorang lelaki.

"Sehari sebelum saya sepatutnya pulang, mereka juga minta saya mengeluarkan wang tunai kira-kira AS$5,000 (RM15,000) dan melakukan 'tugas' terakhir untuk membeli barang di kompleks yang sama.

"Saya melakukan perkara itu, tetapi kali ini ditahan oleh pengawal keselamatan sebelum sempat menaiki teksi. Lelaki yang menyuruh saya melakukan perkara itu melarikan diri. Saya cuba meminta pertolongan di sebuah bank, tetapi pengurusnya tidak dapat membantu dan saya diserahkan kepada polis," ujarnya.

Dua bulan selepas itu katanya, dia dihadapkan ke mahkamah dan dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 10 tahun atas dakwaan menggunakan kad kredit palsu.

Dia yang sepatutnya dibebaskan Februari lalu terpaksa menanti lebih lama kerana perlu membayar denda VND373,965,810 (RM60,208.50) atas kesalahan itu.

Bagaimanapun, dengan bantuan Kelab Putera 1Malaysia, wang tersebut berjaya dikumpulkan dan diserahkan kepada Konsul Muda Malaysia di Vietnam, Nor Azme Salleh pada Jumaat lalu.

(29 Sept 2011)

Ramai rakyat Malaysia (Menjadi Mangsa Penipuan Kad Kredit) di Vietnam

HO CHIN MINH, Vietnam 28 Sept. – Kedutaan Malaysia di Vietnam bimbang peningkatan kes penipuan kad kredit membabitkan rakyat Malaysia dengan tujuh kes dilaporkan di negara itu sejak 2010.

Timbalan Konsul, Nor Azme Salleh berkata, kesemua kes itu kini sedang menunggu untuk dibicarakan di mahkamah negara ini dan mereka yang terbabit terpaksa meringkuk dalam pusat tahanan.

“Kita bimbang jika tiada langkah diambil semakin ramai akan menjadi mangsa (penipuan kad kredit),” katanya ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di sini, hari ini.

Menurut Nor Azme, pihaknya mendapati sindiket itu melibatkan rakyat Malaysia yang menggunakan bantuan orang tengah warga Vietnam (samseng orang Vietnam).

Katanya, ahli sindiket di Malaysia akan mengenal pasti mangsa dan membawanya ke Vietnam untuk dipergunakan.

“Mangsa biasanya individu yang kurang pengetahuan dalam kegiatan penipuan dan mudah terpedaya kerana dijanjikan pelbagai tawaran seperti melancong dan sebagainya.

“Mangsa kemudian akan diberi kad kredit dan pasport palsu sebelum diarahkan membeli pelbagai barangan di Vietnam. Jika mangsa ditangkap orang tengah itu akan melarikan diri,” ujarnya.

Beliau berkata, dalam kes-kes itu, pihaknya tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa kerana terikat dengan undang-undang di Vietnam.

Katanya, kes rakyat Malaysia yang menjadi ‘keldai dadah’ di negara itu dilaporkan hanya dua orang dengan yang terbaru berlaku awal bulan ini.